34158 Bakırköy - İstanbul


Mon - Sat 08.30 - 18.30

Company Type Change

Company Type Change

Change of type is the conversion of a business from one legal form to another, that is, its emergence as another commercial company, with the status and title appropriate to the partnership type, by maintaining its legal and economic continuity.

Today, companies have resorted to type change transactions in order to benefit from the incentives and tax advantages provided to companies of the new type, to change the capital responsibility and organizational structure, to increase and diversify financing opportunities, and the type changes made for these and similar purposes contribute to the increase of capital accumulation and profitability rates of companies. has been found.

Our Company Type Change Services Basically Consist of the Following Services

  • Obtaining a request number for company type change from MERSİS and applying to the regional representative office,
    Preparation of the petition to be submitted to the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce regarding the change of company type,
  • Preparation of the establishment notification form in case the company has a foreign partner,
  • Preparing the report regarding the change of company type in the format requested by the institution and submitting it to the relevant institution,
  • Assisting in the preparation of declaration number 1, which includes the list of goods and rights registered to the company changing its type,
  • Assisting in the preparation of the type change plan to be prepared by the manager or managers of the company,
  • Following the company type change transaction processes and informing the company accordingly…